1. Harr, A Civil Action
2. McDonald and Harbaugh, A Modular Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Groundwater Model, U.S.G.S. (FREE)
This is the reference manual for MODFLOW, a model we will discuss in great detail. The manual is public domain (not copyrighted). Click on the link above to get an electronic copy. This is the entire manual minus most of the FORTRAN source code.
3. Anderson and Woessner, Applied Groundwater Modeling
Other optional books:
- Groundwater Geochemistry: A Practical Guide to Modeling of Natural and Contaminated Aquatic Systems
- 3D-Groundwater Modeling with PMWIN: A Simulation System for Modeling Groundwater Flow and Transport Processes
Applied Contaminant Transport Modeling
- Aquifer Test Modeling
- Hydrogeology and Groundwater Modeling, Second Edition