
Groundwater Modeling Books


1. Harr, A Civil Action (OPTIONAL)

A Civil ActionThis is a best-selling non-fiction novel that happens to be a legal thriller about a major court case involving a series of deaths which may have been linked to groundwater contamination. It was awarded the title of Best Non-Fiction Novel of 1995. I think you will enjoy it and it will provide us with some very interesting topics of discussion. Also, our term project will involve building a model of the groundwater flow system described in the book. The book has been made into a movie starring John Travolta. But, of course, the book is always better than the movie.

2. McDonald and Harbaugh, A Modular Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Groundwater Model, U.S.G.S. (FREE)

This is the reference manual for MODFLOW, a model we will discuss in great detail. The manual is public domain (not copyrighted). Click on the link above to get an electronic copy. This is the entire manual minus most of the FORTRAN source code.

3. Anderson and Woessner, Applied Groundwater Modeling, Academic Press (SUGGESTED).

Applied Groundwater Modeling: Simulation of Flow and Advective TransportThis is a good textbook on groundwater modeling but it is quite dated at this point (last edition -> 1992). The focus is less on fundamental theory and more on practical applications. The material matches this class quite well and it should be a good reference book for you in your future modeling careers.

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